Shabi Yekuti – TTM Scribe – Sofer Stam || About || Books Of Torah || Mezuza || Check Mezuza Before Moving home || Set For Bar Mizva-Boy || Scroll Of Esther
Scroll of Esther for Purim – Written by the "Sofer Stam" with ink and a quill.
Near the next holiday of Purim (all being well!) there will be a special sale. The Scroll of Esther 28 lines and >>37 centimeters.
The Scroll of Esther, 37 centimeters, (glorified), and written with bigger letters, (1 centimeter), proofread, and sewn. It is suited for elderly people and also for the "Hazan" at the Beit Haknesset.
The Scroll of Esther, 37 centimeters, (glorified), and written with bigger letters, (1 centimeter), proofread, and sewn. It is suited for elderly people and also for the "Hazan" at the Beit Haknesset.
They are "White Letters" – clear and orderly.
You are welcome to come and see first, before buying.
11 lines – and the width, is 1 centimeter or 0.8 centimeters.
Written in Sephardi/Ashkenazi.
21 lines – the width is 1 centimeter or 0.8 centimeters.
Written in Sephardi/Ashkenazi.
28 lines – the width is 1 centimeter, or 0.8 centimeters.
Written in Sephardi/Ashkenazi.
Special benefits for those ordering the Scroll of Esther.
It is possible to buy a special box for the Scroll of Esther.
It is also possible to add to the Scroll, on the main pages, an illustrated embellishment, by the "Sofer Stam", with ink and quill.
There is a discount for those buying two Scrolls – standard box, and the other, no charge!
Try to come, before the holiday of Purim!
You are welcome to phone now:-
Shabi Icoti
You may phone all during the week until 22:00.An example of a written "Scroll of Esther" – Sephardi version, 21 lines, height – 30 centimeters, and width – 1 centimeter.
Written in Sephardi/Ashkenazi.
21 lines – the width is 1 centimeter or 0.8 centimeters.
Written in Sephardi/Ashkenazi.
28 lines – the width is 1 centimeter, or 0.8 centimeters.
Written in Sephardi/Ashkenazi.
Special benefits for those ordering the Scroll of Esther.
It is possible to buy a special box for the Scroll of Esther.
It is also possible to add to the Scroll, on the main pages, an illustrated embellishment, by the "Sofer Stam", with ink and quill.
There is a discount for those buying two Scrolls – standard box, and the other, no charge!
Try to come, before the holiday of Purim!
You are welcome to phone now:-
Shabi Icoti
You may phone all during the week until 22:00.An example of a written "Scroll of Esther" – Sephardi version, 21 lines, height – 30 centimeters, and width – 1 centimeter.
Name of the Sofer: Shabtai.

Shabi Icoti You may phone all week days, till 22:00.
An example of a written Sephardi "Scroll of Esther" – 28 lines, height – 36 centimeters, width – one centimeter.
Name of the Sofer: Moshe A.
For particulars, free guidance and ordering: 052-250-9003
Shabi Icoti You may phone all week days, till 22:00.
Shabi Yekuti – TTM Scribe (Sofer Stam)
Bnei-Brak, Israel
Phone: +972-(0)52-250-9003+972-(0)52-250-9003