Mezuzoth, that are kosher, according to Jewish law. They are scribed by a "Sofer Stam" – Scribed by the proofreaders of the guardianship of the "Stam".
The Mezzuzah parchment and the House (box) of the Mezuzzah is a special price.
Ordinary Mezzuzoth and till glorified Mezzuzot
Each parchment of the Mezzuzah, is written by an authorized "Sofer Stam", and under the guardianship of the "Stam"and pass proofreading, by computer and personally – an absolute service.
For your choice, there is a wide variety of Mezzuzot houses (boxes), from ordinary to very glorified:
- Designer Mezzuzot houses (boxes) and also colourful.
- Designer Mezzuzot houses (boxes) made from metal and fleece/aluminium.
- Designer Mezzuzot houses (boxes) glorified with gold.
- Mezzuzot houses (boxes) from silver.
- Ordering of the Mezzuzoth houses (boxes) and Mezzuzoth, singular and separately, or in quantity.
- A wide range of prices for Mezzuzoth and Mezzuzoth boxes.
Full service, with all my heart, including placing the Mezzuzah, on the door, according to Jewish law.
Service for customers – Reading the "Mazel" in the Mezzuzah and providing a solution for dreams.
For particulars, free guidance and ordering: 052-250-9003
:Example Of Mezuza
Shabi Yekuti – TTM Scribe (Sofer Stam)
Bnei-Brak, Israel
Phone: +972-(0)52-250-9003+972-(0)52-250-9003
Email: Mezoza@gmail.com